ntacuzenus Ⅱ,302 ff.
[145]Nic.Gregoras Ⅱ,842.
[146]Nic.Gregoras Ⅲ,52.
[147]Miklosich-Müller Ⅲ,124 and 140;Hopf,Geschichte Ⅰ,444;Zakythinos,Crise monétaire 92,99.
[148]Nic.Gregoras Ⅲ,199 f.
[149]Nic.Gregoras Ⅱ,788.Under Cantacuzenus the imperial table was only allotted a tenth of what it used to have,Nic.Gregoras Ⅱ,811.
[150]According to a Western chronicle(Chron.Estense,Muratori 15,448)eight-ninths of the population of Constantinople perished;in any case,the number of the victims was exceedingly high,Cantacuzenus Ⅲ,49 ff.
[151]The idea has been widely accepted that the Byzantine dependency in the Morea focomd a‘despotate’from this period on.According to Ferjancic,Despoti,this view must be abandoned.It is true that the sons of the Emperor who reigned in the Morea mostly bore the title of despot,but they did so not as governors of the region of the Morea,but as sons of the Emperor,or as his brothers.The granting of the title of despot has no relation in tcom or in fact to their despatch to the Peloponnese.The dependency of the Morea represented their apanage,similar to the other areas of the Empire which were bestowed oncommbers of the ruling house as apanages at this period.Cf.also p.432,n.2 above.
[152]Cf.Stein,‘Untersuchungen’25 f.
[153]Cantacuzenus Ⅲ,80.
[154]Cantacuzenus Ⅲ,68 ff.Cf.Heyd,Cocomrce du Levant Ⅰ,498 ff.
[155]The figure given by Nic.Gregoras Ⅲ,181,but 7,000 according to the obviousl