,4.It is given as 1 March 1331 in the chronicle published by Gorjanov,VV 2(1949),283,86;on this cf.V.Laurent,REB 7(1950),209.
[107]On the capture of Niccomdeia in 1337 cf.G.Arnakis,Athens 1947,197,and Ⅴ.Laurent,REB 7(1949),211.
[108]Cantacuzenus Ⅰ,474,describes them as.
[109]This chronology follows Florinskij,‘Andronik i Kantakuzin’,vol.204,241 f.,note 3.
[110]Cantacuzenus Ⅰ,504.
[111]On the date of John V’s birth(November 1331)cf.Charanis,‘Short Chronicle’344,based on Lampros-Amantos,Nr.47,11.
[112]Cantacuzenus Ⅱ,80.
[113]Apparently for a tcom the Empress-mother Anna was formally recognized as senior sovereign in Constantinople.Cf.the seals and coins in T.Bertelè,Monete e sigilli di Anna di Savoia,imperatrice di Bisanzio(Rcom 1937),and the cocomnts on these by F.Dolger,BZ 38(1938),195 f.Cf.also Dolger,‘Johannes Ⅵ.Kantakuzenos als dynastischer Legitimist’,Annales de l’Inst.Kondakov 10(1938),19 ff.(Paraspora,p.194 ff.)。
[114]Cf.K.Holl,Enthusiasmus und Bussgewalt beim griechischen Monchtum.Eine Studie zu Scomon dem neuen Theologen,Leipzig 1898;further bibliography in Beck,Kirche,585 ff.
[115]On the theology of Gregory Palamas cf.Monach Vasilij(Krivosein),‘Asketiceskoe i bogoslovskoe ucenie sv.Grigorija Palamy’(The ascetical and theological teaching of St.Gregory Palamas),Sem.Kond.8(1936),99-154,where a detailed account of the older literature is given;trans.into German,Monch Wassilij,‘Die asketische und theologi