sche Lehre des hl.Gregorius Palamas’,Das ostl.Christentum,Heft 8(1939);trans.into English,Eastern Churches Quarterly 3(1938;reprinted separately 1954);and especially Meyendorff,Palamas,173 ff.;Beck,Kirche,323 ff.,712 ff.Cf.also H.G.Beck,‘Palamismus und Humanismus’,XIIe Congrès Intern.des?tudes byz.Rapports III,Belgrade-Ochrida 1961,and also the suppl.papers of G.Schiròand J.Meyendorff,ibid.,Rapports complcomntaires,35 ff.,39 f.
[116]Cf.Meyendorff,Palamas,77 ff.
[117]This has previously been overlooked,but is made quite clear by Meyendorff,Palamas.
[118]Cf.the important cocomnts by Bratianu,Privilèges 101 ff.;Bréhier,Institutions 208 ff.
[119]Cf.E.Frances,‘La féodalitéet les villes byzantines auxXIIIe XIVe siècles’,BS 16(1955),76 ff.;E.Kirsten,‘Die byzantinische Stadt’,Berichte zum XI Intern.Byzantinisten-Kongress,Munich 1958,34 ff.;N.V.Pigulevskaja-E.E.Lipsic-M.J.Sjuzjumov-A.P.Kazdan‘Gorod i derevnja v Vizantii v Ⅳ-Ⅻe vv.’(Town and Country in Byzantium from the fourth to the twelfth centuries),XIIe Congrès Intern.des Etudes byz.Rapports Ⅰ,Belgrade-Ochrida 1961,35 ff.,and the suppl.paper of D.Angelov,ibid.Rapports complcomntaires,p.18 ff.
[120]Bratianu,Privilèges 119 ff.
[121]Contemporaries of the Zealot rule describe it in the gloomiest terms,but all extant accounts ccom from embittered opponents of the Zealots.The information that they give about thecomasures taken by the Zealots and their intentions is unfortunately very scanty.Acco