《屋顶间的哲学家》是法国作家梭维斯特的代表作。一个住在巴黎屋顶间(一种贫民窟)的哲学家,从他高踞在上的屋顶间,俯视下界蝇营狗苟的众生,生动地写下了这部日记体的作品。书中十二个分散的故事,像十二首美丽动人的诗篇,充溢着爱和同情的人生哲学,处处表现出恬淡谦挹(yì)的人生观。作者对普通人的真诚关怀和对人生罪恶的深切痛恨,充分透露出上一世纪一个有良知的知识分子处身乱世不肯随欲浮沉的磊落胸襟和博大情怀。No one succeeds in obtaining a prominent place in literature, or in surrounding himself with a faithful and steady circle of admirers drawn from the fickle masses of the public, unless he possesses originality, constant variety, and a distinct personality. It is quite possible to gain for a moment a few readers by imitating some original feature in another; but these soon vanish and the writer remains alone and forgotten. Others, again, without belonging to any distinct group of authors, having found their standard in themselves, moralists and educators at the same time, have obtained undying recognition.
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