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    “Your ste longman!”


    “Why did he come here?I don't think it's reasonable!”

    “'s evidence!”



    “nd,lift up your chest like a  you do here makes no effort to change the truth!”


    “ I can believe what have happened!”


    “As you can see, from now there is no place you can go,you can only stay here like a ng in the dark and wet corner.”

    “Of  only one who can help you is me,if you do what I tell you,I will guarantee you can get back America entirely in the future!”

    “So how do you like?”


    “OK!I kown in the first time I attack the net of Huahai in accordance with your request,I have been doomed to be the tool of you!I never think I will live like a  tell what I should do!”


    “ the future you will know what you do now is really right!”

    “OK!The first thing you should do is cleaning trash.I don't want anyone to know what we say here.”


    “I will do that right now!”

    “No!Do it now!I need to see y
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