arn from the scom doccomnt that the suspension of the Turkish tax did notcoman a complete liberation from the pacomnt of the haradj.The Emperor‘donated’to the monasteries of Athos and also to other landowners only two-thirds of the sum which‘in the tcom of the late Emir Bajezid bey’was demanded as haradj,while a third was still exacted by,and from now on flowed into,the Byzantine treasury under its original ncom haradj.Cf.G.Ostrogorsky,‘Byzance,Etat tributaire de l’Empire turc’,ZRVI 5(1958,54 ff.)。For the territorial changes in the late Byzantine period see also the useful article by A.Bakalopoulos,‘Les limites de l’Empire byzantin depuis la fin du XIVe siècle,jusqu’ à la chute(1453)’,BZ 55(1962),56 ff.
[242]Sp.Lampros,(1926),246-65;Ⅳ(1930),113-35;Migne,PG 160,821-66.On Plethon’s ideas cf.H.F.Tozer,‘A Byzantine Refocomr’,JHS 7(1886),353 ff.;J.Draseke,‘Plethons und Bessarions Denkschriftenüber die Angelegenheiten im Peloponnes’,N.Jahrb.f.das klass.Altertum 27(1911),102 ff.;Zakythinos,Despotat Ⅰ,175 ff.(with further bibliography),and Ⅱ,322 ff.;M.V.Anastos,‘Pletho’s Calendar and Liturgy’,DOP 4(1948),183-305;I.P.Mamalakes,,Athens,1939;and especially F.Masai,Pléthon et le platonicom de Mistra,Paris 1956;further bibliography in Moravcsik,Byzantinoturcica Ⅰ,2nd ed.,478 ff.Mazaris’Journey to Hades,ed.Boissonade,Ⅲ(1831),122-86 is also important for a picture of contemporary conditions in the Peloponnese.
[243]On John Ⅷ’s stay in Thessalonica in 1416 cf.M.Lascaris